Lead-free PCB

Lead-free PCB | lead-free PCB | lead-free PCB assembly services | lead-free PCB manufacturing | Lead-free PCB
				assembly | SAC305 solder paste | Lead-free solder | Lead solder | Highqualitypcb

A PCB made from solder paste that does not contain lead during the solder paste printing process is called a lead-free PCB.

Once upon a time, PCB manufacturing used lead solder because it has good solderability and low cost. Lead is harmful to our health and development and is not environmentally friendly, although it is not reflected in the electronic products I use daily. Lead in discarded electronic products will pollute the environment. Protecting the environment is the responsibility of each of us and a great challenge facing the times.

In response to the Restriction of Hazardous Substances Directive (ROHS) proposed by the EU, our company launched lead-free PCB assembly services to contribute to environmental protection.

Importance of Lead-Free PCB

There are similar ROHS regulations all over the world now, so when manufacturing PCBs or selling electronic products, lead-free should be a key consideration factor. Failure to comply with ROHS regulations may result in significant losses in company profits. Using lead-free solder to assemble PCBs has the following benefits:

Protect environment

Reducing lead in PCBs helps prevent lead from contaminating land, air, and water, thereby protecting wildlife and human health. Discarded lead-free PCBs should be recycled, which can reduce electronic garbage and ensure an adequate supply of scarce electronic resources.

Protecting workers health

Contact with lead can cause abnormalities in our body, such as headaches, fatigue, memory loss, and even infertility. The production of lead-free printed circuit boards meets the ROHS standards and protects our health from harm.

Special Region Sales

The sale of PCB products is prohibited in EU countries that do not meet the ROHS standard. Therefore, producing lead-free printed circuit boards and selling them in these economically developed regions will get high profits.

Technological progress

Engineers are constantly exploring technologies for producing lead-free PCBs, such as lowering process temperatures, improving mechanical properties, and developing lead-free solders to reduce costs.

Lead-free solder vs Lead solder

projectLead-free solderLead solder
Main IngredientsTin, silver, copperTin, Lead
Melting pointHigh (217 degrees)Low (183 degrees)
WettabilityPoor (indicates that the weld joint is more solid)better
Strength and hardnessHigher (can withstand l heavy mechanical and thermal stress)Poor
Mechanical behaviorLead-free solder is higher than lead-containing solder
Applicable performanceEnvironmentally friendly and recyclablepoisonous

In summary, Comparing the physical and chemical properties of solder, the process advantages of lead-free PCB are greater than those of lead-containing PCB, especially in terms of environmental protection and soldering quality. So, many electronic equipment manufacturers are choosing lead-free processes to manufacture circuit boards. At the same time, they face many challenges, such as temperature adjustment and equipment upgrades.

If you purchase our lead-free PCB service, you don't need to worry about the above issues at Highqualitypcb. We have a lot of lead-free PCB manufacturing and assembly cases, a professional team, and advanced welding equipment to ensure you get high-quality products.

Lead-free PCB assembly

Material analysis and inspection

Before officially starting PCB assembly, component inspection is necessary to ensure that components are made of lead-free materials. Because lead-free components are easily affected by moisture, manufacturers should bake them in an oven.

Solder Paste Inspection

Check the PCB outline and solder paste according to IPC-610D standards. Humidity levels are also tested in this step because the circuit board is exposed to high humidity in lead-free soldering compared to traditional soldering. After the above steps are completed, PCB assembly can begin.

Solder Paste Printing

Place the lead-free template on the circuit board and apply the solder paste evenly. The general lead-free solder paste material is SAC305 solder paste.

Reflow Oven | lead-free PCB | lead-free PCB assembly services | lead-free PCB manufacturing | Lead-free PCB
				assembly | SAC305 solder paste | Lead-free solder | Lead solder | Highqualitypcb

SMT Assembly

After applying solder paste, automated machines will mount the electronic components on the circuit board.


This stage uses lead-free through holes or hand-welded. No matter which soldering method is used, SMT or THT, soldering must be lead-free.


Place the PCB board in the reflow oven, then under the high-temperature solder paste will melt, and the melted solder paste will cool and solidify at room temperature, which will help fix the electronic components on the circuit board.

Solder Paste Printing | lead-free PCB | lead-free PCB assembly services | lead-free PCB manufacturing | Lead-free PCB
				assembly | SAC305 solder paste | Lead-free solder | Lead solder | Highqualitypcb

Test packaging

According to IPC-600D standards, test solder joints of lead-free PCB. AOI, X-ray, and visual inspection are used. Before packaging, test the functionality of printed circuit boards.

Our Lead-Free PCB Services

• Lead-free printed circuit boards

Turnkey Lead-Free PCB Assembly

• Lead-free PCB assembly

• Lead-free SMT assembly

• Lead-free wave soldering

• Lead-free materials

• Lead-free rework

When to Buy Lead-Free PCB Assembly Services

If you have the following concerns, lead-free PCB service will be good for you.

You sell products in countries or regions that have regulatory requirements for the use of lead, such as the European Union.

Your local government requires lead-free processes, such as in California, USA.

You are concerned about the potential financial loss from products containing lead.

You are concerned about the health of your customers who use electronic products that contain Pb

Lead-free PCB is the development trend of environmentally friendly circuit boards, and you don’t want to miss the economic trend.


Green development is a social trend. As a member of nature, it is our responsibility to protect the environment. Lead-free PCB not only meets regulatory requirements but also has the characteristics of safety and environmental protection. It has a very bright future in the future electronics industry. At the same time, it also faces many challenges.

Get the Best Lead-Free PCB Assembly Services